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3 Ways To Send The Right Gift To Your Loved Ones

The Science Behind a Gift

Gifts can build a relationship by communicating our feelings or showing our love or appreciation for someone. Gifts can also be sent as an extension to loved ones when you can’t be there in person.

Have you ever been given a gift that brings joy? Or.. have you ever been disappointed? Gifts can be symbolic so if you don’t get what you want you can feel let down. Has this ever happened to you?

So let's take a look at 3 ways you can be sure you are sending the right gifts.



1. What are they into?

Let’s say you are sending a birthday gift to your best friend, you will most likely know what they admire and what they wanted.

But if you don’t know the person that well, then find out!
If you can’t find out keep it simple, practical as well as it being useful and at least with some element of surprise.


2. What do they hate?

Pet peeves?

Again do your homework. Avoid being un-original.

3. Surprise them.

Put real thought into the gift by knowing what the person likes maybe you could ask someone close to them who knows them but you can add an element of surprise either by the gift itself or how it's presented.

In the realm of shortbread, we have created an infographic which may help when choosing a gift for your loved one.

Are they a chocoholic? Or do you have a sweet tooth? let's find the right flavour!

Head over to the blog post and see which shortbread flavour could be best matched for a family member, friend or work colleague.



 Alternatively shop here for shortbread gift ideas.